Internal Audit Services

Internal Audit Services

Internal audit plays a very important role in preventing and detecting fraud and wrongdoing in an organization.  We see internal audit as a critical component of an organizations overall Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls. can help build and support your internal audit function by providing guidance, resources, and training.

Internal Audit Support

When you partner with, your company taps the best tools and information resources available along with practitioners who have on average 20 years of experience.  Our delivery is unique in that we teach you how to use tools and recommended best practices embedding them into your department and business with us serving as an “as needed resource”.  This is what we refer to as “RESOURCING”. has invested significant time and resources developing a library and tools that in many ways surpass those of the world’s largest accounting and consulting firms.  Think this is unusual?  Call your existing internal audit service provider and ask for an audit program on auditing inventory and perhaps some best practices and see how long it takes to get a response.  If you are not satisfied, contact us, we can help.  You can also join our Knowledge Sharing Platform and ask a colleague or perhaps find what you are looking for in the library. provides resources and knowledge to your internal audit team.  If you have the people, we can give them what they need to audit almost any business process.

Niche Audit Assistance

can help you with some of your more complex niche audits.  Some areas of specialization include:

  • Anti-Fraud Programs & Controls
  • Compliance Programs
  • Ethics Programs
  • Employee Benefits
  • Purchasing
  • Product Diversion / Counterfeits
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Trade Promotions

Our niche audit assistance provides guidance to your staff on how to audit specific areas, suggested audit program steps, fraud considerations, best practices, common compliance issues and the like.  We do not actually perform the audits.  We do not believe in outsourcing the internal audit department and only believe in limited co-sourcing arrangements.

Internal Audit Tools & Resources can provide your internal audit department with the resources it needs to execute their mandate.  Some tools we can provide you to save time & money:


  • Internal Control Questionnaires
  • Internal Audit Programs
  • Business Process Overviews
  • Best Practices
  • Sample Policies
  • Illustrative Audit Findings

Training provides a number of internal audit training courses.  For more information see our IA Training Page.

Anti-Fraud Programs & Controls

Internal audit is a critical component of anti-fraud programs and controls. can help your internal audit department spearhead the fight against fraud in your organization.  When it comes to fraud, we can help you increase awareness within your organization about the fraud threat, build a more robust anti-fraud programs & controls approach, and help build anti-fraud strategies into your audit plan and each individual audit.  We can also show you how your fight against fraud should go beyond simply testing controls. Consider this:

  • When was the last time you assessed the employee engagement of a department you were auditing?
  • Have you audited and assessed the effectiveness of your ethics program recently?
  • Does your organization have a fraud policy?
  • Is internal audit involved with the organizations “Entity Level Control Assessment”?

Fraud?  Not at my Organization

We have heard this over and over again client after client.  It is common to hear thing such as “We have an annual audit”, “My employees are honest”, “The accountants would catch it” and the comments go on.  We have listened to people tell us how fraud would never occur in their organization even though they could not describe one type of fraud or scheme that could occur.  In one instant, a senior executive proclaimed that she would accept termination if fraud occurred in her sphere of control. She was that sure that there was no fraud in her group. Well, construction is typically a higher risk process and that level of certainty and trust in a large national construction program comprised of hundreds of people that could perpetrate fraud is not good.  Needless to say, there was fraud.  She did not resign, nor was she terminated.  Funny how that happens.

Contact us today for more information about how we can help your internal audit department succeed. LLC

Litigation Support, Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls  & Training to Protect Your Organization.

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