Internal Audit Training

Internal Auditor communication

Internal Audit Training, Knowledge Sharing & Resources

Obtain the training and tools you need to succeed today. provides internal auditors and internal audit departments with training and resources that will immediately make an impact.  No otter platform offers the knowledge that comes from training programs, knowledge sharing / social learning, access to experts, and continual professional and news updates.

Training Programs

Enroll in a number of courses designed for internal auditors.  You can earn your CPE easily through our Learning Management System.  We provide the following course formats.

Knowledge Sharing & Resources

Our Knowledge Sharing platform is a great place to start to look for audit programs, checklists, questionnaires and best practices.  Have a question about a process or audit approach, ask other members of’s Knowledge Sharing Platform or reach out through the platform and ask one of our experts. knowledge sharing platform

Join our knowledge sharing platform and get access to expert insights and tools that would take countless hours to create from scratch.

News & Updates

In addition to our primary training programs, we also maintain a blog and a presence on various social media platforms such as LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter.  Follow us on these platforms to get up to date news on the profession and related business topics that you need to know.

Training Topics:

Custom internal audit topics can be created on request.

In addition to these fundamental topics we also offer other subjects such as “Using Ethics to Add Value to Your Organization” and “Fraud: The People Perspective” which look at business from a people centric perspective not from the traditional internal control perspective.  You will notice a difference in our courses as we will try to focus on new ideas and less on topics you probably have heard over and over again at different events and courses over the years.’s courses also focus on actionable take aways for participants – we want our trainees to apply what they learn immediately upon their return, demonstrating a clear return on the training investment.

CPE for Audit Executives

For audit executives that have been in the profession for over 20 years, you can get your CPE credit with our internal audit round tables. Several of our advisors join on IA round tables to share hot topics, discuss concerns of the board of directors and identify best practices for those who have been in the industry for decades.

This is a great opportunity for you to network, talk shop, and discuss ideas.

Audit Executive Round Table Sessions

Internal Audit Training for Rotational Auditors

Some internal audit departments bring in employees from operations for a period of time to get experience while providing subject matter expertise to the department.  This is a great opportunity for both the organization, individual and department.  This being said, it is important for individuals who take these opportunities to receive the appropriate level of internal audit training. offers online classroom courses designed specifically for individuals with extensive business experience but limited internal audit backgrounds, to bring them up to speed on the profession of internal auditing.

Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls Academy

Our Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls Academy has three primary levels of learning depending on your needs or the needs of your staff.

Beginner: Learn the fundamental of internal auditing: audit process, audit approach, professional standards, audit programs, work papers, reporting basics, overview of business processes and controls and more.  Everything you or your new staff will need to know to get started and to excel.  (This course is great for those reviewing for the Institute of Internal Auditors Certified Internal Auditor exam)

Intermediate: Take the next step into planning an internal audit, developing the scope, creating custom audit programs, building a project budget, managing staff, communicating with the auditee, internal audit soft skills, writing an effective audit report and getting buy-in.  Everything a supervisor and manager will need to know to excel as a professional.

Advanced: Learn how to respond to the needs of the board, building the annual internal audit plan, integrating risk into your audit plan, staffing an internal audit department, board reporting, building and maintaining department credibility and relationships with your organization’s management.

Contact us for more information.

IIA Chapter Training

Tired of the same old training topics and content year after year?  Let’s face it, you can only talk about ERM or the Fraud Triangle so many times before people lose interest. can help!  We have a number of half or full day sessions that will keep your members coming back.  Contact us today for more information about how we can help your chapter succeed.  We can offer live training, webinars and online live classroom courses.

Our Instructors

All of our internal audit instructors have extensive experience both in industry and consulting. They can draw upon past experiences to give you practical, relevant information that you can immediately take back to your organization and implement.

Learn from the best.  Check out our course catalog and our knowledge sharing platform today! LLC

Litigation Support, Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls  & Training to Protect Your Organization.

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