Litigation Support

Litigation Support has a comprehensive approach to litigation support services.  We combine the knowledge and experience you need with the expert witness and consulting services your case demands.

All trial attorneys need expert assistance in addressing and presenting complex business, financial, and accounting issues.  Our professionals are experienced in litigation support and can help gather, organize and interpret financial data for lawyers, judges and juries.  This allows other team members to concentration on the legal issues.

Our services

  • Expert Testimony
  • Financial Damages / Lost Profits Analysis
  • Business Valuation
  • Investigating & Quantifying Financial Fraud and Embezzlement
  • Financial Reporting and Auditing Standards Expertise
  • Assistance with Preparation of Discovery Requests
  • Assistance in developing questions for the examination of witnesses in depositions or cross-examinations at trial


  •’s focus is simple, we are dedicated to finding and presenting the facts related to allegations of fraud and deviant behavior
  • We excel at describing complex issues in simple everyday language
  • We have a broad array of tools that can help build the case
  • Our communication and project management skills and tools are second to none LLC is not a public accounting firm, however, the majority of our professionals are CPA’s with many other specialized certifications such as:

  • Certified Fraud Examiners
  • Certified Internal Auditors
  • Certified Valuation Analyst
  • Chartered Global Management Accountants
  • Certified Financial Forensics
  • Certified in Ethics and Compliance Management
  • Certified in Risk Management and Assurance
  • Certified Business Continuity Professional
  • Master Analyst in Financial Forensics

Additionally, many of our professionals have one or more masters level degrees.

Crisis Response

Need help fast? maintains a crisis response team that can be on the ground anywhere in the United States in a matter of hours as we have teamed with GoSmart Air.

If you would like more information on how we could help with your case, please contact us. LLC

Litigation Support, Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls  & Training to Protect Your Organization.

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