Fraud Simulations

Fraud Simulations

Try’s fraud investigation training simulations!

How good are you at finding fraud? This exciting approach to financial fraud training will hone your skills by teaching you how to identify the red flags of fraud. Our fraud simulations are currently being used in academia to get students to think about real scenarios and apply their book knowledge to reality.

Each of our simulations consist of approximately 100 pages of memos, spreadsheets, reports, financial statements etc. that have underlying fraud(s) embedded in them. During the simulation, you’ll spread out the source documentation across your desk or conference room table and get to work.  Each simulation takes approximately three hours to complete and report. Can you identify what is going on?

Currently we have two fraud training simulations:

  • Purchasing & Corruption
  • Expense Fraud

Each simulation costs only $29.95  Review the documentation, identify the fraud and answer the related questions. Submit your response and find out how good you are at fraud investigation.  You can download the simulation in PDF format from’s Learning Management System or contact us and we can send you the simulation hard copy.  For important information about setting up your learning management account to access courses, simulations, and other materials see our LMS Help Page.

Additional simulations are being created so stop back soon. LLC

Litigation Support, Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls  & Training to Protect Your Organization.

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